Saturday, August 22, 2020
Eng 102 Essay Example For Students
Eng 102 Essay JEFFERSON COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUS ENG 102 ENGLISH COMPOSITION II 3 CREDIT HOURS INSTRUCTOR: MR. STEPHEN DOSS, M. A. , M. ED. I. Educator INFORMATION NAME: Stephen Doss E-MAIL ADDRESS:[emailprotected] edu PROFESSIONAL BIOGRAPHY: DEGREES: BA ENGLISH, UMR, 1975; MA ENGLISH, SEMO UNIV. , 1983; MA EDUCATION, MARYVILLE UNIV. , 2002 HIGHER EDUCATION TEACHING: MARYVILLE UNIV, ST. LOUIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE SECONDARY EDUCATION TEACHING: ENGLISH (CAPE GIRARDEAU CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL, NORTH ST. FRANCOIS CO. Secondary SCHOOL), SPECIAL EDUCATION (MARIES CO. R-I HIGH SCHOOL, NORTH ST. FRANCOIS CO. Secondary SCHOOL, JEFFERSON CITY HIGH SCHOOL, MISSOURI SCHOOLS FOR THE SEVERELY DISABLED). Instructing PHILOSPHY: I have confidence in ââ¬Å"constructivism. â⬠This is a way to deal with instructing and discovering that stresses the cooperation and contribution of the understudy in the training procedure. Constructivism focuses on that educators are ââ¬Å"mentors,â⬠not despots, and that understudies are ââ¬Å"mentees,â⬠not slaves. Consequently, my desires remember your dynamic support for the exercises and exercises which will manage you, and us, through the course. II. Index DESCRIPTION Prerequisite: ENG 101/101H with an evaluation of ââ¬Å"Câ⬠or better. English Composition II proceeds with the investigation of the creative cycle worried in Composition I. Understudies will work on perusing and composing basically and scientifically, composing article, influence/argumentation, and the examination paper. English Composition II is required for the Associate of Arts and Associate of Arts in Teaching degrees. III. COURSE OUTLINE The accentuation of this course is on the creative cycle, entire article and kinds of improvement. Albeit some sentence structure and mechanics may should be checked on in class, understudies will be urged to audit language and mechanics autonomously and to utilize the handbook as an instrument to address their own composition. IV. GENERAL COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon culmination of this course, the understudy will have the option to: 1. Keep on exhibiting a comprehension of the piece procedure: thinking, prewriting, composing, amending, altering, and editing. 2. Show capability all the while and shows of research, 3. Show a capacity to think basically and compose scientifically. 4. Exhibit an attention to language, a comprehension of its exact phrasing, sentence assortment, meaning, and conceptual/solid words. 5. Show ability as a basic peruser. 6. Have the option to state and bolster the topic of an artistic work. 7. Have the option to depict the workââ¬â¢s tone. 8. Have the option to clarify anecdotal character inspiration. 9. Have the option to recognize basic components that add to a workââ¬â¢s adequacy. 10. Have the option to comprehend and talk about language structure and style. 11. Increase autonomy as an essayist, accepting accountability for deciding an appropriate theme and picking the best possible voice, composing style, and logical techniques for that paper. V. INSTRUCTIONAL APPROACH AND EMPHASIS *Class conversations *Group and cooperative work *Graphic coordinators *Textbook and survey of expert compositions and writing *Portfolios *Journals *Practice works *Lectures *Various and various exercises intended to encourage the perusing and creative cycle. VI. Correspondence AND ACCESSIBILITY You may get in touch with me whenever by means of the collegeââ¬â¢s email framework. My email address is: [emailprotected] edu. If it's not too much trouble utilize the standard STARS email framework. Kindly don't utilize the Blackboard gateway email. I attempt to show up nearby in any event 30 minutes before class begins, so on the off chance that you have to impart I am accessible, at that point. VII. Reading material AND REQUIRED MATERIALS Troyka, Lynn Quitman and Douglas Hesse. Simon and Shuster Handbook for Writers, seventh ed. , Publisher, Prentice Hall. Kirszner Mandell. Writing: Reading, Reacting, Writing. , seventh ed. , Publisher Wadsworth Cengage Learning. American Heritage pocket word reference Rogetââ¬â¢s Thesaurus Journal note pad Portfolio scratch pad Access to PC/word processor VIII. Reviewing A 90-100 B 80 â⬠89 C 70 â⬠79 D 60 â⬠69 F 0 â⬠59 IX. WEIGHTING OF ASSIGNMENTS Journals50 pts. Portfolios 50 pts. Papers 1 â⬠3 100 pts. Each (prewriting â⬠20 pts. ; first draft â⬠30 pts. ; last draft â⬠50 pts. ) Essay 4200 pts. (prewriting â⬠40 pts. ; first draft â⬠60 pts. ; last draft â⬠100 pts. ) In-Class Activities and Exercises â⬠10 or 20 pts. Each Quizzes â⬠20 pts. Each Various different exercises to encourage perusing and composing â⬠varying X. Paper FORMATTING REQUIREMENTS You will be approached to compose four articles. Articles 1 â⬠3 ought to be a MINIMUM of 1500 words or around 6 pages each (a composed, twofold divided, 12-point text style page is around 250 words). .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce , .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce .postImageUrl , .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce , .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce:hover , .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce:visited , .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce:active { border:0!important; } .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce:active , .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce:hover { haziness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .udeb7035637b18695d94 cd7bdf8b7b9ce .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .udeb7035637b18695d94cd7bdf8b7b9ce:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Ford EssayEssay 4 ought to be a MINIMUM of 2000 words or around 8 pages long (not including cover sheet and Works Cited page). All expositions must be twofold dispersed with 1-inch edges both left and right. All sections must be indented. Composing must be in 12-point Times New Roman text style. All expositions need to have an appropriately designed cover sheet. All papers must adjust to MLA reference principles for both in-content references and the Works Cited page. XI. LATE ASSIGNMENTS I perceive that ââ¬Å"life occurs. â⬠If for reasons unknown you can't comply with the time constraint for presenting a task, kindly get in to uch with me. When all is said in done, late assignments will be acknowledged as long as multi week with a 10% markdown. XII. Written falsification AND OTHER MISDEEDS As a term, ââ¬Å"plagiarismâ⬠originates from the Latin root structure plagiaries, which intended to take somebody elseââ¬â¢s slave. Written falsification is a type of taking. The word reference characterizes unoriginality as taking somebody elseââ¬â¢s words and utilizing them as your own without giving due credit. On the off chance that you have an inquiry concerning the utilization of another authorââ¬â¢s words OR thoughts (counterfeiting likewise covers the duplicating of thoughts regardless of whether the words are changed), it would be ideal if you ask someone â⬠the custodian, another teacher, or me. The punishment for presenting an appropriated article is extreme â⬠a ââ¬Å"0â⬠grade for the task being referred to and a referral to the Dean of the Department of Arts and Sciences. With respect to different offenses â⬠it would be ideal if you allude to the general understudy index. You are a grown-up understudies â⬠act like it!! XIII. Participation Needless to state, you can prevail as an understudy by going to class routinely. Some of you may have money related thought processes to go to consistently. Once more, I perceive the ââ¬Å"life happensâ⬠and that things can manifest every once in a while unavoidably. I would ask that you reach me on the off chance that you know ahead of time that you will be missing for a class with the goal that I can stay up with the latest. As per school approach, a teacher may banish an understudy from going to class in the event that the person in question misses 15% of the class time. This course meets for 31 meetings, so 31 x . 15 = 5. XIV. Facilities FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Students requiring scholastic housing or potentially changes can contact Sundaye Harrison in the DSS office (636-942-3000, ext. 169). XV. Understudy SUPPORT SERVICES Jefferson College offers various administrations to help understudies, both scholastically and non-scholastically. These incorporate the Writing and Math Lab, Learning/Assessment Center, Advising and Retention Center, Project SUCCESS, Tutoring Services, Counseling, and Technology Help Line (636-797-3000, ext. 234). XVI. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS Try not to get behind. I constantly found that once I got behind in something the remaining task at hand just appeared to snowball. Having said that, I completely understand that things can occur over the span of a sem
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